Former UK ATC Director Ian Robson receives prestigious Service Award from the Royal Astronomical Society
16 Jan 2024



Each year, the RAS recognises significant achievements in the fields of astronomy and geophysics.

Former UK ATC Director Ian Robson standing outside the Royal Observatory Edinburgh.



Former UK ATC Director Ian Robson standing outside the Royal Observatory Edinburgh.This year Royal Astronomical Society Service Awards were presented to Professor Ian Robson and Professor Ian McCrea (RAL Space).

Professor Ian Robson was recognised for his energetic and influential contribution to astronomy for over 50 years. This includes his time as Deputy Director then Director at UK ATC (2002-2012).

During this time he oversaw the design and delivery of many exciting and innovative astronomy projects and instruments, including SCUBA-2 for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and the VISTA telescope for the European Southern Observatory. 

​For the latter three years he was also Director of STFC’s Technology Department before beginning an extremely active retirement including being Vice-President of the RAS.  ​

The award acknowledges not only his influential work within the field but also his commitment to public engagement and science communication.

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The Prestigious Group Achievement Award was also awarded to thee international Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) team in honour of their work on JWST.

Find out more about the RAS awards, medals, and prizes, including a full list of this year's winners.
